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A word from our Chaplain

As we live our lives, each one of us is searching for things to feel safe, secure and at peace with all those around us. During our life, we may be able  to  find  or  provide some of these things. But we will never be complete until we find the hope for our eternity, Jesus. So many trust within themselves or the many associations, parties or other groups they are a part of and ultimately put their trust and hope in man’s understanding or ability to straighten out and fix our problems. We must first admit that what we have been doing, thinking, and planning for the last fifty years has completely failed. As a society we must stop turning on each other with blame and disrespect and turn back to God, repent of our sins, completely trust Him, obey His word, and serve Him. We must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

I am reminded of Romans 4:18-21 which mentions Abraham in his old age remembering what God had promised him; that he would become the  father  of  many  nations.  This  wasn’t  possible through  Abrahams body at 100 years old, nor through Sarah’s womb, but only through faith. This brought honor and glory to God because they believed in the one who had made this promise. There are many promises God has made in His word, all of which have come to pass. Consider the heavens and earth which He created thousands of years ago still working perfectly. God has proven to be true, real, and everlasting. He gives us hope for the rest of this day, tomorrow, and throughout all eternity. In Him our lives are made complete in the name of JESUS, just as God promised. Do you need hope? You can find it! Turn to God and realize your eternal hope in the name of JESUS.

 Written by Chaplain John Smith

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